Race Committee
DSA Members who wish to be scored in series races must volunteer for Race Committee (RC) duties a minimum number of times per season. Those who do not fulfill their RC duties will not be eligible for scoring or awards. Refer to the Notice of Series and Sailing Instructions for more details.
RC Schedule
Scroll up and down to view full schedule.
Signing Up for RC
Members can sign up for RC dates during the membership enrollment process. Or dates can be requested by emailing the Race Committee Chair at [email protected]. Check the RC Schedule above to see open and taken dates.
The Race Committee Chair will email confirmation once the request is processed. Once assigned specific dates, the volunteer is responsible for meeting the RC duties or finding a replacement should a subsequent conflict arise. If one swaps assigned dates with another member, be sure to let the RC Chair know.
A week before the scheduled RC date, the RC chair will email instructions on running Race Committee.
It should be noted that if a member races before committing to RC dates, the member is only able to carry two (2) race day results (NoRC). If a member races more than 2 days, the older race results will be deleted.
For more information on working Race Committee, check the Race Resources page. RC instructional materials are also available on the RC boat.