
Photo courtesy of Ginny Tory Photography.

Denver Sailing Association has been home to Denver metro’s competitive sailing community for over 75 years. The club started in 1946 at Sloan’s Lake and later moved to Cherry Creek Reservoir in 1982, where it still resides today. Cherry Creek State Park provides a beautiful venue for the club’s racing and social activities with open and forested natural surroundings, sandy beaches, and mountain views. Its convenient location right at the corner of I-25 and I-225 allows for easy highway access to the club, just minutes from downtown Denver.

DSA hosts an extensive racing program from April through October including 4 complete series races and 2 annual regattas bringing some of the best talent in the state. Off the race course, the club also hosts social events where members can mix, mingle, and have a good time year round as well as educational seminars to grow the sport.

Your support will help DSA continue to be a home for Denver’s sailors and host its many races, regattas, and social events.

Sailing at Cherry Creek Reservoir

Sailing Demographics

3.49 million sailors in the US in 2020

16.3 million boats registered in the US in 2014

3% 18 – 25
7% 26 – 35
34% 36 – 50
30% 51 – 60
26% 60+

59% male
41% female

52% sailors have a college degree or higher

70% over $125,000
19.5% over $225,000

owning a $50,000 vehicle
spending $5,000 on jewelry
traveling 1st class
having assets of $2.0+ million

Cherry Creek State Park

Cherry Creek Reservoir built 1950 by the US Army Corps of Engineers
Cherry Creek State Park established 1959 as Colorado first State Park

20 minutes from downtown Denver
50 minutes from Boulder
60 minutes from Colorado Springs

4,227-acre park
850-surface-acre reservoir

2 million visitors in 2021
3rd most popular state park in Colorado

Boating within the top 5 activities at state parks
80,369 recreational boaters visit Colorado marinas, lakes, and rivers annually
Cherry Creek Reservoir allows powerboats, sailboats, paddle craft, and swimming

Source: US Sailing 2010 Demographics Report; Statista Research Department; US Bureau of Transportation

Source: Colorado Parks & Wildlife Reports, Cherry Creek State Park Fact Sheet, Google Maps

Season Sponsorship
TypeFull YearLong Series
(Spring, Summer)
Short Series
(Thaw-out, Frostbite)
Price$1000$350 per series$175 per series
# Spots1 max per series
Reservoir Promotion
Logo displayed at DSA clubhouseXXX
Logo displayed on race committee boatXXX
Racing Promotion
Logo included on racing packets and formsXXX
Website Promotion
Logo listed on DSA website w/ URL linkXXX
Social Media Promotion
Dedicated Facebook post(s)1 per series + 1 off season1 per series1 per series
Season post mention(s)XXX
eNewsletter Promotion
Event enewsletters mention(s)XXX
  • Digital Logos: 2048×2048 max .jpg or .png must be provided by the sponsor.
  • Social Media Post: 2048×2048 max image and 150 word max copy must be provided by sponsor.
  • Physical Logos + Banners: Must be provided by the sponsor at least a week before the start of display period. Will be returned within a week from the end of the display period.
  • Dedicated Post: Must provide all media and copy for post.
Regatta Sponsorship
TypePresenting SponsorSilver SponsorBronze SponsorFood/Drink SponsorIn-kind Sponsor
# Spots124
Naming Promotion
Listing as “presented by” in regatta nameX
Reservoir Promotion
Banner displayed at DSA clubhouseXXX
Logo displayed on start boatX
Logo displayed on finish boatX
Racing Promotion
Logo included on racing packets and formsXXX
Logo included in regatta posterXXX
Opportunity to include promotional materials in registration bagsXXXX
Social Promotion
Opportunity to provide event foodsX
Opportunity to provide event drinksX
Website Promotion
Logo listed on DSA website regatta page w/ URL linkXXX
Social Media Promotion
Dedicated Facebook post(s)4 per regatta2 per regatta1 per regatta
Regatta post mention(s)X
eNewsletter Promotion
Event enewsletters mention(s)XXX
  • Digital Logos: 2048×2048 max .jpg or .png must be provided by the sponsor.
  • Social Media Post: 2048×2048 max image and 150 word max copy must be provided by sponsor.
  • Physical Logos + Banners: Must be provided by the sponsor at least a week before the event. Will be returned within a week from the end of the event.
  • Dedicated Post: Must provide all media and copy for post.
  • Foods + Drinks: Must provide enough for about 50-75 people.
  • Registration Bag Products: Must provide enough for about 50 bags
  • Ask about additional sponsorship formats.
Social Sponsorship
TypeOff-Season Social Location SponsorSocial Presenting Sponsor
Price10% Tab Discount$300
Naming Promotion
Listing as “presented by” in event nameX
Event Promotion
Banner displayed at eventX
Location Promotion
20-30 visitors one weeknight each month (Nov-Mar)X
Website Promotion
Logo listed on DSA website socials page w/ URL linkXX
Social Media Promotion
Dedicated Facebook post(s)1 per event
Event post mention(s)XX
eNewsletter Promotion
Event enewsletters mention(s)XX
  • Digital Logos: 2048×2048 max .jpg or .png must be provided by the sponsor.
  • Social Media Post: 2048×2048 max image and 150 word max copy must be provided by sponsor.
  • Physical Logos + Banners: Must be provided by the sponsor at least a week before the event. Will be returned within a week from the end of the event.
  • Dedicated Post: Must provide all media and copy for post.
Member Perks Partner
TypeMembers Perk
PriceMinimum 10% Discount
Membership Promotion
Listing on new member welcome packet’s members perksX
Website Promotion
Logo and information listing on DSA website membership page w/ URL linkX
Social Media Promotion
Dedicated Facebook post(s)3 per year
  • Digital Logos: 2048×2048 max .jpg or .png must be provided by the sponsor.
  • Social Media Post: 2048×2048 max image and 150 word max copy must be provided by sponsor.
  • Dedicated Post: Must provide all media and copy for post.

Become a Sponsor

Contact us if you are interested in become a Denver Sailing Association sponsor!

Sponsor Spotlight

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Ciancio Ciancio Brown
Estes Express Lines
Ginny Tory Photography
Pelican Bay at Cherry Creek
Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C. | Colorado Law Firm
Estes Express Lines
Ginny Tory Photography
Cherry Creek Marina
Sailwave: Sailing Results and Scoring Software
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